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Teaching Graphic Novels with Meryl Jaffe

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Teaching Graphic Novels Online

Featured Content

American Born Chinese
American Born Chinese

In this work, Yang skillfully weaves three seemingly independent stories of Chinese folklore, a teenager’s need to fit in, and adolescents’ balancing of their Chinese American heritage.

by Gene Luen Yang. New York, NY: First Second, 2006

Addressing Concerns
Addressing Concerns

Addressing parental or administrative concerns about using graphic novels.


by Raina Telgemeier


by Raina Telgemeier

Awards include 2010 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Honor; New York Times Book Review Editor's Choice, Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2010; ALA Notable Children's Book; and Eisner Award for Best Publication for Teens. (Grades 4+)

by Raina Telgemeir. New York, NY: Scholastic 2010

Why Graphic Novels

Imagine a book with scenes of vivid colors or in black and white images, whose textures you can feel escorting you through a story, a life, a world, as short bursts of text and windowed panels and panes lead you through that realm. This is the graphic novel reading experience awaiting you and your kids. It’s inviting, exciting, and always engaging.



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