Talia (Hurwich), my co-author and I had two panels and one workshop at ILA's 2019 Conference this year in New Orleans, October 10-13. At each of these events asked participants to respond to the following question:
"What is the one resource you wish existed to help facilitate your use of graphic novels in the classroom?"
Here's how they responded in order of frequency of response:
Resources for how to teach/integrate graphic novels in their classrooms along with research supporting why they should be used lllll lllll l
Index or list of quality graphic novels by topics/categories lllll
Graphic novels for their classrooms lll
Resource to share with administrators to help them understand the importance of using graphic novels in classrooms l
How to teach students to critique art and compare details of text to panels l
More graphic novels for high school girls that are not superheroes, anime, or about very heavy issues l
Most frequent response:
Here's how we thought we could help:
Please let us know how you'd respond. We'd love to what it is you need, and how we might be able to help you.
Wishing you happy treating on Halloween and more importantly, happy teaching!!

Final Word: Just a heads-up. Talia and I will be at NCTE 2019 Conference in Baltimore. We have a panel on helping students navigate fake news using graphic novels and images on Friday, November 22nd. More information to follow. If you join us, please come up and say hello.